Why you should be investing in Business Analysis training

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Why you should be investing in Business Analysis training

Business analysis has become one of today’s hottest subjects, a real link between a firm’s information technology and business objectives.  Skilled business analysts contribute to the profitability of companies large and small, in almost every industry.

In a crowded and competitive market, keeping on top of current industry trends and innovations undoubtedly helps your business react and adapt to change, ultimately giving your company the ‘edge’ you continually seek.

As an accredited project management training specialist, we have seen the Business Analysis Foundation become one of the fastest growing qualifications on the market, helping companies like yours find that ‘edge’.  Here are five reasons why your organisation should be investing in Business Analysis training.

Competitive advantage

Companies around the globe are seeing the benefits of investing in Business Analysis roles; it can help you understand your structure, policies and operations, as well as recommending solutions that enable you to better reach your goals.  While it may seem strange that you would financially invest in a role which is ultimately there to reduce costs, the impact outweighs this many times over because it helps you find opportunities in our rapidly changing world, continually giving you a competitive advantage.

Demand is high

If you decide to explore the Business Analyst route (and if you haven’t, you really should) you’ll see very quickly that there are more jobs than professionals, and consequently the salaries demanded are high.  This shows how many companies are catching onto the benefits and positive results this role can bring, so training existing staff and moving them into a Business Analyst role is a brilliant option for your company.

Investing in staff works

In the long run, investing in your employees through training works; as well as investing in your company’s future by up-skilling staff and your overall ability to meet and exceed targets, training also motivates employees and helps them feel valued.  Ultimately, you’ll find that this gives you better staff retention rates and helps employees feel part of and invested in your company’s future.  So in our rapidly changing world, you are giving your company the skills you need to remain competitive.

We offer bespoke training

At Training ByteSize, our success depends on the success of our clients, so we are proud that our pass rates are in excess of the national average.  You’ll also find that our training options are tailored to suit your business needs, so if you have a number of people you want to put through Business Analysis training you will find that the cost per person is significantly reduced when we come to you and deliver training onsite.  We also offer a unique aspect to our learning with an online learning platform which no other trainer provides, so no matter where staff are based you can ensure their training is not jeopardised.

Training keeps your business competitive

You know the marketplace is competitive, I don’t need to tell you that.  But what I can tell you is that an insight into the structure of a Business Analysis process model will change your organisation for the better, and change is the ultimate result of all true learning.  So as Benjamin Franklin famously said, “an investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

Training ByteSize is an accredited training partner of BCS and can provide learning packages for the Business Analysis Foundation course from just £450.  To find out more visit our website, email us, or call our friendly team for a chat and no-obligation quote on +44 1270 626 330.

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